Constipation While Traveling
Mar 18, 2024Feeling constipated while traveling, we generally dot talk about it, but odds are most of us have experienced it at least once. By reading this blog you will have a better idea at how to deal with constipation in general and while traveling. I know it can be an uncomfortable topic but GI health is very important to our overall health and something we should discuss openly.
What is constipation?
Constipation is when you are having difficulty passing a bowel movement, when there is a lack of bowel movements, or feeling like you didn’t get everything out. You should be having a bowel movement daily, having once or twice a week is not normal! Even if it is normal for you, you should be having more. If the bowel movement is challenging to pass or hard and pebbly that is also considered constipation.
What causes constipation?
It can be caused by many things including lack of liquid to help the stool pass, lack of fiber to bulk up the stool, dysbiosis or imbalance of beneficial bacteria in your colon. An overgrowth of bacteria in your small intestine (SIBO) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also lead to constipation.
What helps with constipation?
First you have to figure out what you may be lacking and what can be beneficial for you specifically. My recommendation is to start by increasing fiber, exercise, and fluids first then if that doesn’t work figure out if it might be dysbiosis, IBS, or SIBO related. Foods that people are intolerant or sensitive to can also cause constipation. I have heard some people say cheese for them leads to constipation.
Fun fact! If you are having too much fiber and not enough water you can also feel backed up.
Food that can help:
- Ground flaxseed or psyllium husk (2 Tbsp. a day)
- Blackberries, apples, or kiwi (4 or more servings of fruit a day)
- Foods high in fiber- greens, beetroot, whole grains (quinoa, millet, whole wheat), lentils and beans, artichoke (for reference you need 25-35 grams of fiber a day)
- Activia yogurt – this yogurt has a specific type of bacteria that is helpful for constipation
- You should have half of your body weight in ounces of water and fluid, but mostly water
- Of course, most people have heard prune juice or prunes can help as well
- Coffee usually works for people as well, but don’t over do it (keep to 1 cup)
- Try waking up and only drinking water to begin with, you can add some lemon or lime juice as well
- Chamomile tea, ginger and cinnamon tea, or fennel tea can also help increase intestinal motility and help aid in digestion
- Move your body, walking, hiking, running can typically help produce a bowel movement
- There are some yoga postures that can help with bowel movements as well:
- Windmill
- Sufi grind
- Spinal flex in rock pose
- Forward fold
- Spinal twist
- Breathing technique for digestion- breath of fire
What to do while traveling:
First, traveling itself creates some stress on the body and you are out of routine which can lead to constipation. Secondly, when you fly you become more dehydrated so more hydrating fluids are needed and if you are already not drinking enough this can lead to constipation.
- Make sure you are drinking a lot of water
- Wake up and wait 30-45 mins. to eat drink some lemon water or 6 oz. of prune juice
- Do yoga postures
- Mix 1 Tbsp. of ground flax or psyllium husk in water, oatmeal, peanut butter with an apple, or a smoothie
- Have a fiber rich lunch and dinner
- Go for a walk after meals
- Eat kiwi, apple, or blackberries as a snack with a cup of ginger, fennel, chamomile, or cinnamon tea
- Eat Activia yogurt (preferably no or low sugar, around 6g or less)
- Do breath of fire
- Take some time to relax in the morning or whenever you tend to have a bowel movement, our body needs to do relaxed to have one
If none of these changes work for you, then you may need a probiotic or an in depth look to see if there is an underlying reason for the constipation.
To sign up for an nutrition consultation please email me at [email protected] or call at 509-596-1051